Slim Thompson ministers for the Lord in a unique testimony and preaching ministry in which he gives all the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Slim was a Country singer in the early 1970's whose career seemed to be well on the road to success. His stage, radio and television appearances had placed him with such stars as Johnny Cash, Lorretta Lynn, Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Bill Anderson, Ernest Tubb and many others. Shows such as these, nightclub engagements and recording contracts, gave all the appearance of an upcoming star on his way to bigger and better things. But hidden behind the glittering clothes and shiny lights, was the bondage of drugs and alcohol. In January 1975 Slim was near death due to duodenal ulcers for which surgery had been unsuccessful. At the bottom of his rope, Slim received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior on April 10th, 1975. He was saved, healed and delivered. Since January of 1976, Slim has served the Lord as Director of Joshua House Ministries, a home for troubled young people. In 1982 Slim founded Tree of Life Ministries, Inc. which has launched the international evangelistic ministry , "Souls for Jesus," in spreading the gospel around the world through music, preaching and teaching the power of Jesus Christ. By 2001 over 140,000 souls have responded to the gospel with thousands of testimonies of God's miraculous healing power. Slim's goal, through United Leadership Seminars and Open Air Meetings, is to reach as many souls as possible before the return of Jesus Christ.
Pastorial Covering Early in ministry, Slim realized the Biblical importance of spiritual covering. Nearing 36 years of ministry, he has had two pastors, the first being the late Pastor H. B. Livengood of Robinwood Assemblies of God in Robinson Illinois and since his passing God led Slim to ask Pastor Raymond Rothwell of Full Gospel Temple in Eaton, Ohio, to be his Pastor. For reference of Pastor Rothwell concerning this minister click Pastorial Covering.